About B.L.O.A.F.X.

Originally, bloafx.com was created in 2018 and didn’t have any real direction for it. It’s now 2022 and I kind of have narrowed it down!

First off, “BLoafX” is a nickname given to me by Fojay tha Phantaztik. You can read all about the origin here!

I use to play this game called Nox. I was so bad, it was pretty sad. I created the login “SADplayer” and eventually got better. I even placed third in the world in July 2001!

During my second deployment to the Middle East, I had a SADplayer challenge coin minted. My belief at the time was “Work Hard. Party Hard. Be Yourself. Help Others.” It hasn’t changed much since! However, after years of things just not working out, I fell into a rut.

As we all know, misery loves company. That rut kept getting deeper and deeper. Bad experience after bad experience just kept coming and coming. It came down to a point where I was questioning why I even have this website. What has it done for four years? Why was I paying for it?

I decided I couldn’t let it go. I’ve worked on it too much, and I feel there is a lot of useful information on here that could really help some people. “But who am I exactly?” one evening while I was looking at bloafx.com. I thought about my old belief and how it needed to evolve. SADplayer has evolved into BLoafX, and I believe in the life of BLoafX.


“Manners Maketh Man”

William Horman

Oh behave! It’s one of the more memorable lines in comedic movie history, but deep down, it genuinely needs to be followed by more of us.

Integrity is the number one value. Being able to do the right thing when no one is looking takes real character. I believe it is the biggest character builder because it really is the hardest value to uphold.

Behavior is extremely infectious, especially amongst peers and children. A lot of people seem to believe that you can have two separate personalities – one for work, one for home. I don’t necessarily believe this is proper behavior! Is it fair to expect two totally different people from one person?

Essentially, do the right thing. You’ll have less to worry about.


A leader is one who knows the way, goes the way, and shows the way.

John Maxwell

When was the last time anyone asked you to lead anything? When was the last time you were shown how to lead? Have you ever thought about exactly what leadership is to you?

Simply, it isn’t taught enough. Not even close. It’s way more important than being able to do a mundane task.

It’s important all the way up the ladder in life and in business.

The Army preaches it by making it the parent of its seven core values. It’s sad knowing that out of all the organizations I’ve been a part of, the Army was probably the best at teaching leadership. It’s the only organization that has done anything to develop my skill in leadership.

If you can’t lead yourself, who can you lead? It’s become very annoying hearing that leadership starts with those in management positions. A leader is someone who exemplifies the standard and even goes above it. Anyone can do that.

In my time, I’ve experienced way more terrible leadership than great. This isn’t a good thing! However, sometimes failure is the best way to learn. I’m not even saying I’m the best at it – I definitely haven’t had enough experience in front of a team. One day, I hope to get to do more of it.

What have you done to improve your leadership? Do you think it should be taught in schools other than in sports? Is it ever too early to learn it? What accomplishments can you attribute to that skill? I’d love to hear what you have done or your thoughts on it!


You laugh at me because I’m different, I laugh at you because you’re all the same.

Jonathan Davis

We are all unique. We forget this sometimes, and sometimes, we refuse to accept it. Your original voice has the potential to persuade many.

I had a coworker who knew more about heavy metal than anyone I’ve ever met. He was the perfect candidate for a podcast. Podcasts are so simple to create nowadays, and I was willing to show him.

“But there are a couple people out there who are already good at it already doing it!” he explained.

Immediately I retorted, “So no one should make movies because Steven Spielberg is making them?” It was like divine intervention put that in my head – it was an almost perfect question that he couldn’t argue.

And that’s why your passion needs to be shared with the world. You never know who it will inspire, where it will lead you, or who may be lead to you.

I say all the time going to college was the biggest mistake of my life. However, I was following the dream of working on movies. It hasn’t panned out that way in life yet, but I did find my other half there. Would I have found someone so perfect for me if I hadn’t gone? I don’t believe so.

So get out there. Be original. Be unique. Let your voice be heard. Create.

In this category, I’ll be sharing original works, ideas, or people who I think have a more original approach.


“The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others.”


What is your legacy? Would you consider your life complete if you don’t have one? Are you willing to assist those to help build your legacy?

To many, volunteering helps fill a void in their lives. To others who feel very fortunate for what they have, it is a way of giving back. In high school, I volunteered a bit of my time. I’ve fallen away from that, and plan on returning soon.

Assist those who need it. You never know how it’ll be returned. This may be the second most important in BLoafX!

In this category, I’ll be posting volunteer opportunities and sharing what I’m doing in hopes to inspire others along the way. Need help with something? Reach out to me and I’ll see if I can help!


“When he worked, he really worked. But when he played, he really PLAYED.”

Dr. Seuss

You can work your butt off your entire life. You can accumulate all the wealth in the world. What does it mean if you don’t do anything with it?

Fun is lifeblood. I believe it is the most important concept to find in your life. Aristotle thought so. He was a smart guy.

Ultimately, what puts a smile on your face? If you know, why aren’t you doing it? If you don’t, why aren’t you looking for that smile?

Hopefully, you’re one of the fortune that is able to make a living off of what is fun to you. If not, keep trying and searching for something that you find fun. Remember that it can change over time. A night of fun is actually what created the BLoafX nickname!

In this category, I’ll be sharing fun stuff!


An engraving on wood.


Well, “X” wasn’t a good letter to end up with, but you work with what you got!

As I’m still not 100% on exactly what I want to do with my life, my other half is very fortunate to have found hers. She’s very much an artist, and we have worked together to create Schaedings. Hopefully sooner than later, she can actualize her dream of doing her art full time.

It’s extremely rare that one can be great on his/her own. I am extremely fortunate to be a part of Schaedings. The biggest way I help is with videography and photography. You can see my work on the Schaedings YouTube channel.

The more I see her work, the more I want to do some xylography myself! Soon, I’ll probably have my own store!

Whenever I’m doing something with Schaedings or xylography, you’ll see it in the Xylograph category.

The “X” in B.L.O.A.F.X. also can serve as a reminder to who you will be with for the rest of your life. Ever look at your partner and think no one can replace your partner? That person has an “X” factor that speaks directly to you, even if you can’t quite explain it!

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